Ribbon Craft

Inspiring creativity through exquisite ribbon!

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Over the Moon Ribbons

Monday, November 21, 2011

Remember Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is almost my favorite holiday. It truly is a time for family, food, and of course decorating.

I  keep the decorating part somewhat simple.  I know what I will be decorating for  within a week. That being said, please enjoy the richness of pumpkins, fruits, hams,  turkeys,  turduckins, chestnuts, stuffing, and apple and pumpkin pies. Don't be too quick to get out the tinsel and mistletoe.

I always, always have ribbon on my napkins in some way, even if it is a simple bow.

This year I  will carve out my "mini pumpkins"and fill them with fresh flowers in autumnal colors. If I can find some nice brown oak leaves I will give them a wash of copper or bronze to complete my Thanksgiving table.

Of course my table won't be complete without the best china I own, the silver, the celery dish, and salt dishes we have used in my family since I was a kid.

All of the above can happen the day before, so while I am cooking, and watching the parade, boiling the giblets etc. I can walk by the dinning room table and know this truly is a special day not to be forgotten.

Just remember, on Thanksgiving, you can eat anything you want to-----"Why do you think they call it Thanksgiving?" A quote from a great lady, Irma Bombeck.

You must have some childhood memories, I would love to hear them.


The Ribbon Lady