Ribbon Craft

Inspiring creativity through exquisite ribbon!

Ribbons featured in can be found on our website
Over the Moon Ribbons

Monday, August 30, 2010

Beautiful Decorative Candles for Unity Candles or Special Occasions

I was thinking about something beautiful that could be done with candles, this is what I came up with.  I have crisscrossed 1/4" sheer ribbon onto a straight sided taper, and added some accents from the local craft store.

Caution: Be sure to test all materials to be sure they will not catch fire.  When I burned my candle the paper flowers melted, the pearls dropped as the candle burned. The ribbon melted, but did not catch fire. 

There were no products I used that were a fire hazard, including Morex sheer organdy ribbons sold by Over the Moon Ribbons.

Materials needed :
  • 1/4" sheer organdy and/or double faced satin ribbon
  • sharp scissors
  • straight sided candles ( I used Carolina Candles) I suggest using a good quality candle, you will have longer burn time
  • glue gun
  • embellishments of your choice

After some trial and error, it became apparent, you don't use your glue gun to glue the ribbon to the candle, but merely to melt the wax on the candle so the ribbon will adhere to the melted wax. This method works quite well.

Start with a length of ribbon approximately 14 inches long.

Cut the top at a 45 degree angle and adhere to the candle using the glue gun to melt the wax,by touching the hot glue gun to the ribbon on the candle.

Once dry,( about 1 minute) spiral the ribbon down the candle, keep the distance between the ribbon equal. at the bottom adhere again using the same hot wax method.

Cut another length  the same as the first one .  Cut at a 45 degree angle. Start at the top exactly where you began ribbon number one,but now you will be spiraling in the opposite direction, making sure to keep all the crossing points in a straight line with the candle. Attach at bottom, hot wax method.

Now the fun begins. At each crossing pint attach ,a pearl, rhinestone, little flower, bow,etc.  I found these could be glued to the ribbon using glue gun or craft glue. Just go to your local craft store, and let your imagination run wild.

Same idea this time with floral embellishments.

This design would work well for unity candles, as their purpose is not to burn for a long period of time.

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